Are you looking for a secret means of achieving your dream smile? If you’re not keen on the idea of sporting visible braces, but you’d love straight teeth, we have just the solution for you. With Incognito, you can enjoy the best of both worlds. You’ll have a stunning smile, and nobody will ever know that you’ve had a brace.
The ins and outs of Incognito
Incognito is a lingual brace system. This means that it utilises fixed braces, which are applied to the back of the teeth. With a lingual brace, you can enjoy the many benefits of conventional fixed braces with the obvious bonus that your braces cannot be seen when you smile. Incognito braces are advanced, they are 100% bespoke, and they give you the opportunity to achieve the smile of your dreams with minimal hassle.
The Incognito treatment process is very simple. Once you’ve had your consultation, and your custom-made braces are ready, your dentist will fit your braces, taking great care to position each individual bracket before threading the arch-wire through. Once your brace is in place, all you have to do is keep it clean, and attend regular checks with your dentist. For a few days, you might find that your braces feel a bit tight, and your speech may be slightly less clear than usual. Practice talking and reading aloud, and stick to soft foods for the first couple of days.
The advantages of Incognito
Incognito offers a host of benefits for patients who are looking for an orthodontic treatment, which delivers outstanding results. Advantages include:
- Invisibility: Incognito braces are virtually undetectable when you smile
- Comfort: lingual braces are customised for the individual and they are a lot smaller and sleeker than conventional fixed braces
- Dental health: the back surface of the tooth is a lot more robust than the front. Lingual braces reduce the risk of enamel damage, decay and decalcification, and are less likely to damage your teeth than braces applied to the front of the teeth.
Do you like the sound of Incognito? If so, why not call and arrange a consultation with one of our expert dentists?