Confused about cosmetic dentistry options?

Composite Veneers The Pros, Cons & Results

If the idea of your teeth doesn’t exactly make you want to smile, then veneers might be the cosmetic solution you need.

Covering the entire tooth, composite veneers deliver a wider, white, symmetrical smile that requires no tooth preparation at all.

And while the procedure may sound like an immediate winner, there are some key considerations you will need to consider beforehand (we’ll explore them below).

But if upgrading your smile is something you genuinely wish to do, it’s always best to consult with an experienced cosmetic dentist, like Dr Neera Maini.

At Aqua Dental, we can assess your mouth, hear your goals and recommend the proper, affordable treatment moving forward.

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If the idea of your teeth doesn’t exactly make you want to smile, then veneers might be the cosmetic solution you need.

Covering the entire tooth, composite veneers deliver a wider, white, symmetrical smile that requires no tooth preparation at all.

And while the procedure may sound like an immediate winner, there are some key considerations you will need to consider beforehand (we’ll explore them below).

But if upgrading your smile is something you genuinely wish to do, it’s always best to consult with an experienced cosmetic dentist, like Dr Neera Maini.

At Aqua Dental, we can assess your mouth, hear your goals and recommend the proper, affordable treatment moving forward.

Composite veneers provide a sleek, flawless finish without the commitment of permanent treatment.

What are composite veneers?

Veneers are thin shells that sit on top of your existing teeth to improve their appearance.

Several brands of veneers offer various benefits, but there are two main types: Porcelain and Composite.

As you might expect from the name, porcelain veneers are made from strong and durable ceramic materials that are known to last for decades.

Composite veneers are made from a tooth-coloured resin bonded directly to the tooth – just like composite bonding, but they only last for a few years.

There are pros and cons to both kinds of veneers, so it’s essential to involve a dentist and understand your budget and expectations.

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What composite veneers cannot help with

Do not seek treatment if you have:

  • Tooth crowding, crooked teeth or any misalignment
  • Gum disease or gum issues
  • Missing teeth, crowns or porcelain veneers
  • Have substantial gaps between teeth or diagnosed with diastema
  • Have no considerable damage to the teeth (a quart of the tooth will need to be intact)
  • Are you not 18 years or over
  • Have not visited a dentist within the last six months
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How long does composite veneers last?

More durable today than in the past, composite veneers, on average, can last up to seven years.

After this time, you will require a replacement set of veneers.

Patients can extend the life of their composite veneers; however, you will need to embrace a routine of regular brushing using nonabrasive toothpaste and resist the urge to chew on any objects.

Our dentists also advised avoiding drinks and foods that can stain, like coffee, teas, and wines.

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Composite veneers vs porcelain veneers

patient happy with the results of invisalign

Cost of composite veneers

The price of composite veneers is low compared to other cosmetic treatments.

However, this is typical because composite veneers are not a permanent procedure and one that you will need to maintain every few years.

But that does not mean that they don’t often come with a high price tag themselves – the price will vary depending on where you live, but in cities like London, patients can expect to pay anywhere from £500-£1,000 per tooth.

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Take home

Veneer procedures are not to be taken lightly, speak to our cosmetic dentists and veneer experts to discover which type of veneer treatment will be best suited to your expectations and budget.

Here at Aqua Dental, we offer some of the thinnest and strongest veneers that cost from £650 per unit – prices that are rare to come by in London.

Book a consultation. Call 020 8103 8544.

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