If you have dentures, it’s essential to take good care of them to minimise the risk of damage and ensure you get the best out of them. Here are 5 top tips to help you look after your dentures:
- Keep your denture clean: it’s really important to keep your mouth as clean as possible, regardless of whether you have natural teeth or a denture. If your denture is full of debris, there’s a risk of infection. To clean your denture, you can use tepid water or a cleaning solution and a brush. Be gentle when brushing, and always avoid using boiling hot water.
- See your dentist on a regular basis: even if you don’t have any natural teeth remaining, it’s beneficial to see your dentist on a regular basis so that they can check the condition of your denture and make sure that your gums are healthy.
- Store your dentures safely: if you’re taking your dentures out to give your gums a rest, make sure your store them safely. Most people choose to soak their dentures overnight in a container or a glass. Dentures should be kept moist, and they should never be left lying around.
- Protecting your dentures: if you’re taking your dentures out to clean them, for example, it’s a good idea to take steps to protect them. Place a cloth or towel on the kitchen or bathroom counter or wash your denture over the sink to prevent damage if the denture slips out of your hands and falls.
- Report any problems: dentures can be an incredibly effective tooth replacement treatment, but they’re not immune to damage, and they don’t last a lifetime. If you have any issues with your dentures, for example, they’re broken or they don’t seem to fit as well, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist.
If you have any questions about caring for your dentures or you need more tips, call us now! We will be more than happy to help.